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Here’s the place you’ll find tips, tricks + musings of a physiotherapist, traveller, fitness enthusiast and dog lover
Everything That You Need to Know About Caesarian Section Birth
Here is a comprehensive guide to caesarian section births including preparing for a c-section, the actual surgery, post-op rehab, c-section recovery, signs and symptoms to manage, how pelvic floor physio can help, and risk and benefits to a c-section. Education and preparedness are important to having a positive c-section experience and this guide will help you in educating yourself, planning for c-section and learning the right questions to ask your doctor and pelvic floor physio!
The Pessary: A Sports Bra for Your Hoo-Ha
A pessary is a medical-grade, silicone device that is inserted into the vagina, similar to a tampon. It is primarily used as a non-surgical intervention in the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) to support the pelvic organs and minimize their descent and to treat stress urinary incontinence (SUI). It can be worn for days, months or just for events that provoke a woman’s symptoms.
Pain in My *ss: Tailbone (Coccyx) Pain
Tailbone or coccyx pain is a common problem caused by trauma (such as a fall on your bum), pelvic or low back surgery, during pregnancy, with childbirth, certain activities or sports, chronic straining to pee or poop, congenital (since birth) or degenerative changes around the sacrococcygeal joint (where our low back meets our tailbone). It can be treated using myofascial work, strengthening exercises, mobility exercises, an understanding of chronic pain and lifestyle changes.
Stress Urinary Incontinence
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a condition where a person leaks pee during activities such as coughing, sneezing, running, jumping, and lifting. It can be caused by a weakness of the pelvic floor muscles or a lack of coordination between the core, diaphragm, and pelvic floor muscles, or a mismanagement of intra-abdominal pressure. To prevent SUI, it is suggested to use a "Core Breath" technique before coughing or sneezing.
Buzzword: Diastasis Rectus Abdominis - What is it REALLY About?
Diastasis Rectus Abdominis is a common concern and symptom experienced by women during pregnancy and postpartum and can be managed with pelvic floor physiotherapy and working with a perinatal fitness coach. Danielle Ufniak MSc PT is a registered pelvic floor physiotherapist and certified perinatal fitness coach who is trained through Brianna Battles’ Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism Coaching.
Meet Aaron! Flow’s NEW Adult + Paediatric Physiotherapist
Meet Aaron, our physiotherapist at Flow Physio + Wellness who works with everyday athletes and weekend warriors to address sports injuries and orthopaedic conditions as well as provides paediatric physiotherapy and gross motor assessments and interventions for children.
Training While Injured
Seeing improvements in strength or functional performance requires a focused plan to push the body to new levels. An unfortunate side effect of regular training (or even inconsistent training) is the occasional ‘tweak’ or spasm of a muscle or around a joint. Typically, these injuries aren’t enough to affect our training...but what about when a more significant injury occurs?
Mobility for the Desk Worker
4 easy movements you can start today to mitigate the aches and pains caused by working from home posture!
I’m Newly Postpartum - Now What?
Wondering how you can begin to work on healing yourself and reconnect with your body while newly postpartum? Here is a guide of things to consider as you navigate this new season of your life.