Our Services
Physiotherapy for musculoskeletal pain and injuries causing limitations in movement and function. Your physio session will always involve movement and exercise to reduce pain and increase function, confidence and wellness.
Pelvic health is important across the lifespan - from painful periods and constipation in early years, pregnancy and birth prep, postpartum healing and peri-menopausal symptoms. There is no such thing as ‘TMI’ in pelvic physio; we can help with leaking pee and poop, painful sex, queefing, prolapse, tears, episiotomy, caesarian section surgery and more.
Paediatric physio involves screening and intervention for gross motor skills. Gross motor skills (the ability to run and jump, or be able to catch and throw a ball) impact a child’s confidence, physical activity levels, inclusion at school and participation in community sports and recreation programs. Intervening early in these areas can have many benefits that persist into adolescent & adulthood.
Chiropractic care can assess, diagnose and treat muscle, joint and nervous system ailments and restore balance in our spine and nerves to improve our body’s systemic health.
By aligning the spine and pelvis, chiropractors can help alleviate pain, reduce tension, and improve the body's ability to adapt to the changes occurring during pregnancy and optimize your baby’s position in the womb for birth!
Infant chiropractors use very gentle and safe techniques that are appropriate for the delicate nature of an infant's spine and skeletal system. Reasons parents may seek infant chiropractic care include: colic and fussiness, reflux and feeding issues, sleep disturbances, musculoskeletal issues and support for healthy development.
Our massage therapists specialize in prenatal and postpartum massage, infant massage and workshops, and scalp & facial massage therapy services. We have bolstering options to make massage accessible and comfortable for everyone.
Merging rehabilitative movement with the principles of Pilates, these classes are part of your Physiotherapy coverage and teach you breathing techniques, spinal mobility and strength, core activation and hips and pelvic floor connection. These physio sessions are offered in 1:1 and small group settings.
Our physiotherapist Rachel Wilson MScPT RYT is also a Registered Yoga Instructor and Prenatal Yoga Instructor. She offers 1:1 Physio Yoga sessions for her patients.
Ashley is our Registered Kinesiologist and Certified Pilates Instructor who can conduct movement assessments and work with you on programming to reach your goals!