Concussion Care + Dizziness
Concussions are not injuries to ‘wait to see if it gets better’ - prompt treatment can drastically improve outcomes.
Symptoms can vary and change day-to-day, but we can teach you strategies to help maximize your recovery.
Concussion recovery is challenging, but can be improved with timely care. Dr. David Blair will assess your symptoms and work with you to design a program to gradually improve your tolerance levels for work and play. We treat using hands-on therapy and acupuncture for neck, back, and shoulder pain.
You’ve only got one brain.
Concussion management includes:
Thorough assessment of each body system
Education to patient and family
Clear communication with coaches
Detailed written return to play schedule
Home program to maximize recovery
Balance & agility retraining
Visual retraining
Concussions are mild traumatic brain injuries resulting in changes to our:
Physical performance
Visual disturbance