Frequently Asked Questions
General Frequently Asked Questions
Initial Assessment $150-160
Follow Up $85
Initial Assessment $170
Follow Up $115
Initial Assessment $150
Adjustment (15 min) $50
Treatment (30 min) $85
Initial Assessment $160
Follow Up $95
30 min $85
45 min $100
60 min $160
30 min $80+HST
45 min $100+HST
60 min $120+HST
Yes! We are registered in Ontario in physiotherapy, massage therapy and chiropractic care, respectively. All of our services including physiotherapy, pelvic floor physiotherapy, chiropractic, concussion management, prenatal chiropractic, infant chiropractic, physiotherapy yoga, small group classes and clinical Pilates are covered through benefits.
We DO NOT require a doctor's note to access our services. However, you may need a referral for your insurance company to reimburse you for services. Every plan is different and your insurance provider will only disclose that type of information to you directly. We suggest calling your provider and asking what you will need for reimbursement of your visit.
We do not offer direct billing. We use our time and resources to provide the highest quality of 1:1 patient care. We do accept credit card, cash and etransfer and will provide you with an invoice to submit for reimbursement to your insurance provider.
Yes, a new injury does require an Initial Assessment. This is because we need to get a history of the injury and events surrounding, establish a pain pattern, look at functional movements, do testing and explain a diagnosis - it's a lot! We need the extra time and ask that you book an Initial.
If you need to reschedule your session, please provide 24 hours notice so another client can book the time. If you are unable to get childcare, or need to cancel due to transportation or weather conditions, we will switch to a virtual appointment. You are welcome to bring your child(ren) to your appointment. If 24 hours’ notice is not provided prior to a cancellation or an appointment is missed, the full appointment fee will be charged. Please note that extended health insurance does not cover missed or late cancellation fees.
You should wear comfortable clothes that allow for full range of movement and exposure of the area being treated. Your session could include manual therapy, acupuncture, exercise, mobilization, stretching, and/or cupping and we would need direct access to the area. Example, if you are experiencing neck pain please don't wear a turtleneck, or if you're experiencing knee or hip pain please wear shorts!
Providers at Flow Physio + Wellness are not registered with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), meaning that we cannot submit your visits through WSIB. We bill through extended health benefits. If you need a return to work letter or form filled out, we would be happy to do so or provide recommendations surrounding your work environment.
Providers at Flow Physio + Wellness are not registered with Health Claims for Auto Insurance (HCAI) which is the body who reimburses health professionals for MVA claims. We are happy to work with you if you are submitting through your extended health benefits but we cannot submit to HCAI on your behalf.
Pelvic Health Physio Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! I am a registered physiotherapist in Ontario in Ontario and pelvic floor physiotherapy falls under our scope.
The pelvic floor is a group of muscles and connective tissue that span the underside of the pelvis and attach from your pubic bone to the tail bone and between your Sitz bones. The purpose of these muscles is to support your internal organs; stabilize your pelvis, hips and lower back; play part in sexual function; impact circulation and the lymph system to pump fluid out of the pelvis; and impact your ability to pee, poop, and pass gas.
A pelvic health physiotherapy assessment will include: discussion of your medical conditions and history, history of pregnancies and/or births, and if pregnant birth preferences if pregnant. We will explore physical movement and tests to gauge your mobility, strength, flexibility and tension. We discuss your goals for exercise or for life, prognosis, and treatment plan.
We will also get started on treatment during your initial visit and I will provide a follow up email with detailed notes from our appointment and a home program and treatment plan for moving forwards.
Based on your reported symptoms or issues, I will conduct an external exam of your back, hips, abdominals and pelvis to evaluate movement, structure, mobility, strength and tone. If necessary, an internal vaginal/rectal exam will be performed to evaluate tension, strength and coordination of the pelvic floor muscles and position of pelvic organs.
I will explain the pros and cons of an internal exam and provide feedback throughout. You must provide consent before any step of the exam and you are able to withdraw consent at any time.
During the internal portion of your pelvic floor exam, I will gently insert one or two gloved fingers into your vagina or one finger into your rectum. This allows me to palpate each muscle group and evaluate its tension and function. There is no speculum nor instruments inserted into the vagina or rectum.
Depending on concerns presented and information that was gathered from your history and external exam, an internal exam may not be necessary. However, an internal exam is usually recommended as it is the gold standard for assessing pelvic floor muscles and associated structures.
If you choose not to proceed with an internal exam, that is no problem! I will make recommendations for treatment from your subjective history and external exam to work towards your goals.
It’s totally up to you! Pelvic floor assessment and treatment can be provided even if you’re on your period (we wear gloved and our table is protected). Pelvic organ position and muscle tone can be affected by hormonal changes and it can actually be helpful to assess this during this time.
If you’re not comfortable with an internal assessment or treatment when you’re menstruating, we can continue with the session focusing on external work and movement or you can reschedule your appointment with at least 24 hours notice.
Of course! You are more than welcome to bring your baby to your appointment and attend to them during your session.
My passion for the pelvic floor and women's health was sparked while in physiotherapy school. I was frustrated with how taboo it was to talk about pelvic floor dysfunction among my friends and colleagues. I also didn't feel like I knew enough about the pelvis and pelvic floor muscles to properly rehabilitate and educate my patients. This led my to continuing education in the field of pelvic health in 2015. Now my goal is to shed light on the pelvic issues that were once considered taboo, shameful or even worse, 'normal'. I hope to empower women to feel their best of move confidently through every season of their life.
Prenatal Chiropractic Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! David is a Doctor of Chiropractic and prenatal services are covered under your Chiropractic benefits.
Yes! Chiropractors are specially trained in the care of those who are pregnant. Fortunately, most people who are pregnant can receive chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is a natural alternative treatment that can help to alleviate pregnancy-related pain while also helping the body prepare for delivery, which can reduce stress on the day of the delivery. We utilize specialized techniques and pregnancy pillows that minimize uncomfortable pressure on your abdomen.
Physical changes that a pregnant person undergoes can cause pressure on the spine. The pelvis also has a chance of becoming misaligned as pelvic joints loosen up in preparation for childbirth. If the pelvis is misaligned, it can impede the baby from entering the correct position for delivery in the case of natural birth, this is a condition known as an intrauterine constraint and can lead to the Cesarean section. The Webster Technique, a chiropractic technique that helps maintain the pelvis and spine in proper alignment may prevent the need for Cesarean delivery. There are other benefits of going to a chiropractor when pregnant, including:
Fewer breech births
Less nausea
Reduced back and neck pain
Relief of muscle and joint pain
Reduced anxiety
Improved labor outcomes, which includes reduced time in labor and delivery
According to The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, a person can receive chiropractic care throughout their entire pregnancy. The treatment given closer to the due date can be focused on pelvic balance and helping avoid posterior and breech presentations. Chiropractic doctors can also provide you with safe and effective exercises that help keep your body in the best possible condition for your delivery.
Infant Chiropractic Frequently Asked Questions
When spinal, limb and cranial joints do not move correctly, they are not able to adequately communicate with the nervous system. The nervous system is what controls the body, running through it and managing all its functions, both consciously and subconsciously.
The nervous system relies on receiving accurate information from the joints (a phenomenon called proprioception) and muscles to function and develop optimally. Problems that are commonly associated with these joint dysfunctions include poor sleep quality, growing pains, constipation, posture problems, and behavioral issues. Chiropractic care treats more than just pain! Chiropractic care restores proper joint function and communication which will help your child’s body move, heal, and develop.
If there are any physical health problems your child is facing, an infant chiropractor can determine whether or not treatment is appropriate for them. If the identified problem is related to, or made worse, by an improperly moving joint or poor communication between the body and the brain, then an infant chiropractor can help. In most cases with babies, there no pain complaint regarding joint dysfunction (though not always). Babies should be monitored for clues of biomechanical unease.
With the impact that spinal adjustments have on sensorimotor integration and autonomic function, symptoms that babies may have that are unrelated to pain can be treated with chiropractic care. Gastrointestinal, behavioral, developmental, and immune conditions and problems can all be treated without the aid of medication. Chiropractic care is also preventative care and can address problems before they progress into something worse.
Every single Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) receives paediatric training as part of their core curriculum during chiropractic college. Dr. David Blair continued his studies post-doctorate with the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association (ICPA) to hone his skills in working with this special population.
Chiropractic care for infants is gentle and safe. If it were unsafe, then it would not be part of the core curriculum for those training to become chiropractic doctors. Chiropractors are extremely well-trained health professionals and treating children is a part of the services that they offer. During a chiropractic doctorate, prospective chiropractors study anatomy, orthopaedics, physiology, neurology, and nutrition, all of which include the unique needs that children have regarding chiropractic practice. The chiropractic techniques used for children have some differences than the ones used for adults and are incredibly gentle, safe, and beneficial.
Clinical Pilates Frequently Asked Questions
For an in-depth explanation of our Clinical Pilates program please click here.
Clinical Pilates is Pilates that is supervised and programmed by a Physiotherapist and certified Pilates Instructor and may be taught by a Physiotherapy Assistant or Physiotherapist that is certified in Pilates.
These tailored and evidence-based classes and private sessions are perfect for those who are injured, at risk of injury or have chronic medical concerns that make it difficult to attend traditional fitness or movement classes.
We offer small group classes (no more than 10 participants) that integrate knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology of various medical conditions or injuries, providing relevant exercise sequences, modifications, props and the skill and knowledge to support your health and recovery. Classes are 60 minutes which will provide key concepts and anatomy education, progressively challenging exercises throughout the class and progressions given for each movement to meet you where you’re at. Each class builds upon a foundation of optimal movement patterns and awareness, towards overall movement and health goals.
We offer 30 and 60 minute one-on-one private Reformer Pilates sessions as well for a more specific and advanced Pilates session.
May be covered under private extended health insurance if you are a patient of Danielle Ufniak MScPT.
Danielle is a physiotherapist and certified mat Pilates instructor, she can utilize Pilates classes as part of your physiotherapy treatment program if it is indicated from your subjective history and assessment. Danielle’s Pilates classes are just like traditional mat Pilates classes with the added benefit that she can assess and provide modifications within the class to make it accessible and relevant to each participant.
First, you will have to have had an Physiotherapy Initial Assessment with Danielle to discuss past medical history and conduct a full assessment to rule out red flags and identify areas of focus for physiotherapy treatment in Pilates classes. Danielle and her patients review breathing and core practices for Pilates within the Initial Assessment to prepare participants for the class setting.
Just like physiotherapy treatment, you can attend when it works with YOUR life. Danielle’s small group Pilates class schedule is set and small changes are made every 8-12 weeks. You are welcome to drop in when it works with you. These classes are a great way to do your rehabilitative exercises and keep you accountable.