Carly Buma R.Kin, PTA

Certified Pilates Instructor

Carly Buma is a Registered Kinesiologist and Certified Pilates Instructor. She graduated with distinction with a Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Kinesiology in 2016. Since graduating from University, Carly obtained substantial experience in the realm of physical rehabilitation by working in multiple multidisciplinary clinics and working as an exercise therapist and trainer. 

Carly holds a passion for fitness and staying active, which is why she loves helping clients achieve their fitness and wellness goals through safe and effective individualized programs. Carly's desire for her clients is to help them cultivate a strong mind-body connection through thoughtful cues and communication in order for them to better understand their body's strengths and weaknesses and to move with more precision and control. Recognizing that each individual comes to Pilates with their own set of unique challenges and goals, she seeks to provide a fun and supportive learning environment that fosters growth and motivation. 

Carly understands the huge importance of keeping the body moving and does so by going for long walks with her family, working out at the gym, doing Pilates, and having the occasional dance party with her daughter. Carly played soccer for the women’s indoor and outdoor varsity team in University. Having been an athlete and sustaining several injuries first-hand helped fuel Carly's passion for human kinetics and rehabilitative exercise. Carly also loves photography, fall days and summer nights, travelling, and spending time with family and friends!


  • Certified Pilates Instructor

  • Registered Kinesiologist